Credits and Inspiration for Belardo Lights

I'd would like to take this opportunity to thank all the folks who frequent the various Christmas lighting websites and post information about their displays. They have been an invaluable resource, and we have learned a great deal of tips and tricks from these folks to incorporate into our own display. I try to give back to that community by posting information on our own website about our display and how to make decorations.

In addition, I'd like to thank my family, friends, doctors, and therapists for their assistance in the past few years with Brandon and his issues. I couldn't have made it this far without your help.

Finally, thanks to the folks who have dropped by to check out our Belardo Lights Display. We appreciate your well-wishes, and hope that you and your family enjoy the Display. We'd like to think that we're making lifetime memories for our family and for the community. It's a lot of fun, and we look forward to having you stop by to see what's new for this year!

Sincerely, Randy Schimka

Brandon Brandon and Santa Brandon and Stephen - Brotherly Love Stephen with a Reindeer Prototype PaPa & Stephen Having Fun in December 2008