Information about Belardo Lights

here is some useful information:
- Belardo Lights will be lit and "on the air" in 2024 from Saturday 11/30 through Friday 12/27
- The Display will be operational from 5:30pm to 10:00pm nightly
- We're located in the Tierrasanta area of San Diego at 5306 Belardo Drive
- Don't forget to tune your car radio to FM 106.1 to hear the synchronized music
- Please be considerate of our neighbors and others when stopping to look at the display (no loud radios, trash, or blocking driveways)
- The best place to park to view the display is across the street heading down the hill
- If it is raining more than a sprinkle, we will shut down the display for Safety (check our website home page for daily info or our Facebook group)
- We're hoping to make lifelong Christmas memories for our family and for the community; Thanks for helping us Dream Big!
- Finally, a very special thanks to you for including Belardo Lights as part of your Holiday Tradition!

Brandon and the Controller Cart
PS - We've added lots more controllers since this photo!